Simulation experiment of quickly determination of disturbing gravity using wide-area polynomial approximation 快速确定扰动引力的广域多项式逼近方法的模拟实验
With the best polynomial approximation as a metric, we estimate the rate of Lp approximation and characterize the approximation order. 采用最佳一致逼近多项式的方法,对传统梯形公式做了改进,从而进一步提高了数值积分抛物插值预处理法的精确度。
Because only two points a straight decisions, and in between the two curves can be used an infinite number of cubic polynomial approximation. 因为,两点只能决定一条直线,而在两点间的曲线可用无限多的三次多项式近似。
Orthogonal polynomial approximation is proposed to estimate the nonlinear deterministic trend and then the residual is used to test the unit root. 本文研究用正交多项式逼近非线性趋势,然后对残差进行单位根检验的方法。
The trackability limitation of current gradient algorithm is discussed. A new algorithm, named variable parameter gradient estimation algorithm with local polynomial approximation is proposed. 本文分析了梯度辨识算法跟踪时变系统的缺点,提出了一种新的基于局部多项式逼近的变参数梯度估计算法。
Understand the degree of polynomial approximation and the effective range with the polynomial fitting order of any changes. 了解多项式的逼近程度和有效拟合区间随多项式的阶数有何变化。-1。
With the best polynomial approximation as a metric, the rate of approximation of the neural networks with single hidden layer to a continuous function is estimated by using a constructive approach. 以最佳多项式逼近为度量,用构造性方法估计单隐层神经网络逼近连续函数的速度。
Convex Polynomial Approximation in Orlicz Space Orlicz空间上的凸多项式逼近
This paper investigates the relationship between the hybrid polynomial approximation and the Hermite polynomial approximation for rational surfaces. 研究了有理曲面的hybrid多项式逼近和Hermite多项式逼近的关系。
A polynomial approximation algorithm for the problem is given. 同时,还给出了该问题的多项式时间近似算法。
The polynomial approximation method is also employed to obtain simple formulas for frequency and amplitude correction. By these methods, the disturbance of the frequency leakage and the noise can be reduced and the accuracy of the harmonic analysis can be improved. 同时,利用多项式逼近方法获得了频率和幅值修正的计算公式,这些改进能够进一步降低泄漏和噪声干扰,提高谐波分析的准确性。
Fourier coefficient model and its polynomial approximation in analysis of BJT circuits BJT电路分析的FOURIER系数模型及多项式近似
A new kind of Orlicz space is introduced and their characterizations are presented with best nth degree trigonometric polynomial approximation. 定义了一类新的Orlicz-Besov空间并用n阶三角最佳逼近阶对其性态进行了刻画。
This result can be combined with subdivision method to obtain a piecewise interval polynomial approximation for a rational surface. 这一结果可以与细分技术相结合,得到有理曲面的分片区间多项式的逼近。
Some embedded inequalities of eigenfunction polynomials are presented and error transformations in polynomial approximation are dealt with by using Wu Xuemou's MSP Transforming Principle. 本文证明了一些特征函数多项式的嵌入不等式,并利用MSP转化原则来处理特征函数多项式逼近中的误差转化问题。
In theory of approximations, the classic methods of polynomial approximation for rational expression are various interpolations and operator approximations, such as Lagrange interpolation, Hermite interpolation and Bernstein polynomial approximation. 在逼近论中,用多项式逼近有理式的经典的方法是各种插值与算子逼近方法,如Lagrange插值、Hermite插值和Bernstein多项式逼近等。
In this paper, we survey the development of polynomial approximation of rational curves ( surfaces) and state the knowledge of interval curves ( surfaces) in the first chapter. 本论文中,第一章首先介绍了有理曲线曲面的多项式逼近研究工作的发展情况和区间曲线曲面一些相关知识。
The polynomial approximation method is also employed to obtain simple formulas for frequency and amplitude correction. 本文利用多项式逼近方法获得了频率和幅值修正的计算公式。
Piecewise polynomial Approximation of Rational Curves and Surfaces 有理曲线和曲面的分片多项式逼近
Study and analyze the familiar algorithms for hardware implementation of the exponential function, including Table lookup method, Polynomial approximation method, Combined method, Digit-by-digit method and CORDIC method. 研究和分析了目前常见的指数函数算法,包括查找表法,多项式拟合法,基于查找表的多项式拟合法,Digit-by-digit算法和CORDIC算法。
Uniqueness of analytic functions in weighted Hardy space and weighted exponential polynomial approximation in many variables 加权Hardy空间中解析函数的唯一性及多元指数多项式的加权逼近
The wavelet function is also expanded with polynomial approximation in order to analyze the chaotic process. 将小波函数展开成近似的多项式函数,对近似多项式函数的分岔图进行了分析。
Lagrange operator and Bernstein operator are two important operators which are used to deal with polynomial approximation problems. Lagrange算子与Bernstein算子是用于处理多项式逼近问题的两个重要算子,这两种算子各有优缺点。
The Application of Chebyshev Polynomial Approximation in Geodetic Calculation 切比雪夫多项式逼近在大地测量计算中的应用
To reconstruct periodic nonuniformly sampled signal, two different methods, polynomial approximation and spline interpolation, are presented. 对于周期非均匀采样信号的重构,给出了多项式逼近重构算法和样条插值重构算法。
At the same time, the polynomial approximation method based on this algorithm is also employed to obtain some correctional formulas for the frequency, the amplitude and the phase. 同时基于该算法,利用多项式逼近方法推导出频率、幅值和相位的修正计算公式。
Besides, we propose an MMSE channel estimator based on optimum linear preprocessing and polynomial approximation, namely the OLP-MMSE-POLY estimation algorithm. 此外,我们提出一种基于线性最优预处理和多项式近似的MMSE信道估计算法,即OLP-MMSE-POLY估计算法。
Therefore, people focus on finding polynomial approximation algorithm to find approximate solutions. 故人们只能退而求其次,寻找可以求得近似解的多项式时间近似算法。
Therefore, people committed to finding effective polynomial approximation algorithm. 故人们致力于寻找有效的多项式时间近似算法。
Because of the complexity of the correction function in the Log-MAP algorithm, a method based on polynomial approximation is proposed to approximate the correction function, in which the logarithmic and exponential algorithms are replaced by addition and multiplication. 由于Log-MAP算法中校正函数项的存在使得算法复杂度较高,本文提出采用基于逼近多项式的方法对校正函数进行近似,将其中的对数与指数运算用加法和乘法运算代替。